FML enables it's user's to have an easy to go to, reliable and trustworthy source for when they are curious about trying out something new in relation to Food, Music and Love.
So your girl is upset. Maybe you’re to blame. Maybe someone else is to blame. All we know for certain is she doesn’t like your ass very much right now. Not to worry though, ya’ll are not about to go your separate ways just as yet.
Dr. Kamz is here to help you.
You’ve gotta play it cool. Act like a player, move like a player, talk like a player. Basically besides the actual art of playing her, you’ve gotta be a player.
Anticipate her mood for the next couple of days. Follow her movements slowly. Let her lead the pace for the both of you. Allow her to enjoy as much of your company as she requires and as well allow her – her own space. Don’t be caught up in her face all the time. Don’t be too distant either. Even though she detests you right now, she’ll love you for it.
When you feel the scales of her aggravation are tipping back to the side you want them to, it’s time for you to stop being the follower. It’s time to pull out the ...
I have no stats on this (and they say you can find anything on the internet) but I bet 3 out of 5 people would hesitate or begin their sentence with, “like…” if you asked them to define the word ‘love’. I think the problem is that when we use that word, it’s in a different context every time. There isn’t one ‘type’ of love but if it’s one word I’m pretty sure there should be a communal or general definition that could encompass all ‘forms’ of love.
There’s a story I once heard about an old lady who was walking in the street with her grandchild, the young boy ran into the street and a car crashed into him. The thing is, though, the car landed up on top of the kid and the old lady (dude, please remember she’s ‘grandmother old’) ran onto the street and came through like Captain America! She lifted the car off of the boy and obviously saved his life. Some say it was adrenaline that gave her the superhuman strength but there must have been a driving force. I say it must have been love.
My personal opinion on mothers is that they must be aliens. I have no ...
I am five levels of exhausted. Five.
I don't know when I got through the first four but I have officialy arrived at this final level. I work
too hard.
My mind isn't the same cerebral machine it was when I left home. For the first time in a very long
time I feel I deserve a break. Today is FML's 10th Edition! For ten weeks every Sunday we've been
updating this thing with new and different content. Every Sunday for ten weeks.
I'm exhausted...
I work too hard. At least I think I do.
I don't want a prize or an award. That's for McD's Employee Of The Month things. I'm not sure if I
want recognition for it either. Life has taught me to work without expecting to hear a thank you. The
work will speak tonnes by itself. It still doesn't change how I feel right now though. For almost
twenty ...
It’s hard for me to write again. I feel like my thoughts are like comets dividing the space of my consciousness opening up new opportunities as they go. If I could just catch one, yes if I could latch onto one of the beacons of promise maybe I could dwell in a place of security once again. But something hinders me, like an invisible barrier... ”one step forward and two steps back, nobody gets too far like that”. I used to love that song but lately that’s how ive been feeling. Suddenly the song isn’t so appealing
See until recently the term homeostasis was an obscure scientific concept which I had learnt over and over again at each new level of education. Inertia, they call it, the unwillingness of most life forms to move or change beyond a very narrow range which promotes balance. What they don’t tell you though is that the tendency to be homeostatic doesn’t serve progression very well, in fact quite the opposite, life generally resists the pull to improve unless it’s left with absolutely no choice. Further more life beyond a primary level of development will ...
The world knows nothing but to judge.
They see you and define you as what they perceive.
No one knows your story.
They know not the paths you’ve walked.
They’re eyes don’t see past the surface.
Just one glimpse and you’ve been tainted a colour.
It may not even be close to your true colour… perhaps even further than yours.
Don’t let it get to you, they don’t know any better.
You walk and carry yourself in a certain manner.
You put out a façade, trying to hide your visage.
To them you are just a passing face.
Don’t let them get to you.
You walk past the faces, they may frown upon you.
The truth is they’ll never truly understand you or see through your eyes.
At what age did you find yourself in your first real relationship? I am neither asking at what age you fell in love for the first time nor when you were in your first “serious relationship” because, as I will attempt to annotate in greater detail, emotions are hugely misleading and being in love does not really mean being in a real relationship.
I spent three years with my first love. That was my first ‘serious relationship’. In those three toxic years, I learned more about him than I did me. I became an extension of his existence, not a partner. I was young, naïve and most destructively, I had the wrong idea of what love was. When my imminent heartbreak arrived, needless to say, I could not rationalize why it had all gotten so bad but I still did not walk away with any knowledge of what a real relationship was.
My next two relationships in varsity were just as mistaken as my very first. All fucked up. Not in the same way but one thing was common. None were real relationships. Was I in love? Arguably, but emotions do not make a relationship, neither does a title. Relationships are borne from conscious and continuous decisions to be an item. When you cannot profess your ...
A few people know this story. I hate telling it. It's from a very very very dark place in my life. Excuse the mellow dramatic tones underlying that statement. I'm writing for effect here.
Kicked out of my appartment, broke and virtually friendless. That was the beginning of my third year of tertiary education. Homeless, broke and virtually friendless. My mind was racing, no teeming, with ways of ending my semi-sad existence. Shit wasn't exactly looking up. I had the option of going home but that would be embarassing. What would the neighbours say? The humiliation. I didn't want my family to go through it. They'd been put through ...
My obsession with not being broke by the time I turn 25, has me sitting up at 0231hrs throwing these words out of mind onto this very screen your eyes dance on now.
I've been thinking about all conversations and thoughts I've had with the self, a process also known as “talking to one's self (myself in this case) and the possibility is, I might be growing insane. I hope not. That would be awkward. I mean I still have plenty to say. I just haven't been as sure of what “it” is of late.
I fear being broke. Rather, I fear being this broke for the rest of my life. All ninety eight or eight years of it left. That's the other thing that's haunting me. I really don't know how long I'm left with here. It could be a day or a week. A month or a year. A year and a month. A month and a day. I don't know. And the thought that I could, for lack of use of a better word, die, at any moment, freaks me ...
Winter's here and I'm sure we all like to indulge in a great piece of dessert to tickle our sweet tooth. I'm an ice cream junkie so I really don't mind eating it all year around. But in winter it can be a tad bit difficult to enjoy my ice cream while watching my late night movies.
Just the other day I was on my way to work and I was craving something sweet. I pulled into a McDonald's and I wanted a McFlurry, which by the way is my favorite ... and to my demise they were out of oreos ... We all know a McFlurry is not a McFlurry without the oreos. That was when I discovered the CuppaCake. It's a brilliant combination of a hot chocolate, decadent cupcake and vanilla ice cream. You get the goodness of the cold snack and the warmth of the cupcake.
It's sheer genius!
Right at the bottom of the cup is a chocolatey substance topped off with a thick layer of chocolate ...
It's 9:45 ... I'm waiting for the elevator, time is ticking. I need to check into work by 9:50. (no worries, it only takes a minute to get upstairs) The elevator door opens, thank heavens. I walk in ... clearly someone marked the territory. It smells of fart. Should I wait for another one? I can't. I'll be late for work. Up I go to the 6th floor I'm praying no one is waiting up stairs. The elevator door opens. Damn. There right in front of me, is a group of people greeted by the stench. Their faces turn sour, everyone's eyes are on me. I'm the only one in here so automatically I'm the one to blame.
I straighten up my jacket and walk past the crowd. I can feel the eyes on my back as I walk away ...
You see I just experienced a " wrong place at ...
So you're 23. You wait on an allowance from your guardians every month. 9 out of 10 times you're going to blow that allowance by the 15th day in the month and in the last 15 days you drift by basically wasting oxygen because what do you have to call yours ? Nothing. You patiently anticipate your next allowance and put that song on repeat with the static hope that someday you'l be able to fend for yourself and not have to live through this gruesome tale that is your young adult hood.
Well let me tell you about the 23 year olds of the 20th century. At that age they had last lived in their mothers house 5 years ago. They had gone out into the world to find theirs. They knew that the world didn't owe them anything, they had to go out there and get what they wanted by any means possible. No allowance came in every month, they had to work to put food in their bellys and work harder and longer to put some clothes on their backs. These 23 year olds educated themselves and their siblings while sending money back home to their parents to show their gratitude for having been raised to be strong young adults.
I know the 20th and 21st century are worlds apart in terms of the landscape of opportunity. It's probably 10 times harder today to ...
She looks about 25. She has two kids. Lord knows if she has a husband. No car, i deduced from her using public transport. Her clothing is not branded so i assume she has an ok job. Not a sign of jewellery on her but the studs on her ears. There's no money for luxurious items.
She's doing mental maths with her daughter. She's only little but seems bright. The older son seems as if he knows his stuff, he keeps correcting the little one. She stumbles unable to figure out 35 + 6. "Are you dumb?" Her mother asks. "Do not be defeated. Have faith" she adds on. Suddenly the little girl figures it out ... 41 she screams.
My heart lights up. There is nothing like a mother's encouragement. From that moment on i realised ... this little girl is going far. She might not have everything but she has her mother.
You see we all need that encouragement in life. We need people to cheer us on and keep us motivated. This woman can't offer ...
Are you the reflection you see in the mirror ?
Are you the fairest of them all ?
Are you somebody’s everything ?
Are you the thoughts that inhabit your mind and never seem to take flight ?
Are you conscious confidence ?
Are you a mix-pot of hatred and anxiety ?
Are you a balanced product of true love ?
1-litre container
Tea Bags
Brown Sugar
Garnish: lemon disc slices
Method: Bring 3 cups water to the boil in a saucepan; add tea bags. Boil 1 minute; remove from heat. Cover and steep 10 minutes.
Discard tea bags. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Pour into a 1-litre. container, and add 7 cups cold water. Serve over ice.
Garnish with lemon slices. Serve.
I wake up on a frosty Monday morning. This cold front is not being friendly. I have so much to do you know. I have to go empty my bladder, gotta buy groceries and make breakfast, loads of studying to be done, I have an intense gym session to get through and more studying after that, but it’s just sooooo cold and I’m in nothing but my boxers under this mountain of blankets I have on top of me. I dread jumping out of bed. It’s just not going to happen right now.
So what’s next to do ? Besides think of course. My mind begins to recalculate my schedule because we’re going to lose at least 2 hours in bed waiting for the world to warm up; so some reshuffling of events has to take place.
I start to think of FML though and how I’ve been getting articles out of me with some strain and difficulty off late, call it writers block if you would or I’m just not in that zone I need to be in you know. I instantly decide to push and push and push till something happens and my mind comes up with this crazy idea almost instantly.
I shall write a whole article; drafted, typed, edited and ...
There’s this strange but divine connection between well composed music and that warm fuzzy feeling you get on the inside. Like God himself was on the mic & keys creating each timeless melody for you to enjoy.
I absolutely love soothing music. It always finds a way to lift my spirits. I find my hearts tempo reducing when I indulge in it and I can almost hear myself live. When I listen to soft music during a walk, it’s like I’m walking on air, with nothing but the rhythmic vibrations massaging my senses and the world presenting itself to me just the way it is – my oyster.
Quite inspirational !!!
Sunday music, as I like to call it, is the testament of sound. It forces you to accept it. The lyric content is much easier to grasp than the usual clatter and noise you hear every other day and you can’t help but empathise with the ...
The last time I felt an electric razor glade over my head was close to 3 years ago. That day I left the old me in that barber shop and became a new person. I had embarked on a path that I wouldn’t truly understand for a while but it would reveal itself ever so amazingly and I would learn to be one with my newly found path. I would embrace it and immerse myself in it unsparingly. That day the world changed for me, that day I became a Rasta.
You see the essence of Rasta is true and like I mentioned before it’s not a concept one can immediately understand. Yea, sure, I was letting my hair grow, my peers were intrigued by the bold step I had decided to take. At 1st many of them thought it was just a phase, like everything else I had done with my hair before and to be completely honest, back then in 2012, I thought it was a joke too. A subtle form of rebelling per se and I was totally ok with that. My folks saw it in the same light and we were all absolutely ok with that. I never once thought I would become so aware of this soon to be “life choice” I had taken.
Almost a year into the new me and I was about to begin a new journey. Life in a tertiary institution
Everything was new. The freedom, meeting new ...
Writers block got me by the balls today.
I'm not even going to try and put too many words on here. I just mixed up this playlist for ya'll real quick and i know you're going to enjoy it. If you don't you have some issues. Some really serious ones, get them fixed !!!
Hope you enjoy this timeless rendition
The time is 23:53 and I have 7 minutes to write this article.
See I’ve made a promise to myself to write an article every single day of this week and I can’t carry this one into the next day. NO !!! I just can’t.
I want to talk to ya’ll about family and why it’s the only thing we really have in this world. Family is the root of our existence. These are the people that nurture us into this world. The faces we familiarize with so easily as we grow up and they over time become our everything. Without family there would be nothing to cherish. Absolutely nothing.
Okay, no lie, I’m slowly going nowhere with this article because that’s about all I can think about saying right now and it’s 23:56 so I’m definitely not going to wrap this up before the day ends.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute … or 4 … lol :)
Ask yourself this slowly.
What ...
In other Mzwa related news, I finally figured out how to use Snapchat! I could not have done this without the aid of my good friend, the Indian James Bond. I can't share his name because of spy protocol. I'm sure you understand...
Thanks Desan. :)
If you are reading this and haven't read the previous article I wrote, you'll be doing yourself a disservice. This is like a series. The Game Of Thrones of blogs in a way. And you my friend are about to watch episode two. There will be no “previously on the Webisode Of Consciousness.” I'm not saying stop reading, I'm just saying go read that other thing first so this makes a little more sense to you.
Webisode 1: Consciousness
Today was meant to be your orientaion on The Seven Chakras. Admittedly, I don't have extensive knowledge on them. I have a basic understanding of the seven and perhaps I have no right to be standing on ...
I wake up in the morning, so tired of sleeping. I don’t want to get out of bed though … my sheets are too warm. Not so bad for someone sleeping alone I think to myself. I crack my curtain open, it’s sunny out. What a great day to have a great day (I silently wish). You see everybody is always talking about how everything is rosy, how you should smile and look at each day as a new chance … a time to start afresh. I do it too sometimes too. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m a happy person but just not today. I don’t know why though. I just want to stay in bed and eat chocolate today.
I’m just out of sorts. Like a couple of fuses just blew. No biggie, if you know what I mean. I’m having one of those “Are you really okay” days. I like to call them, visiting the soul doctor days.
Yes, my soul is currently at the doctors. I’ve got a scheduled checkup.
We start with the basics: Am I ...
I wish the world would stop for a while
I wish the birds would stop singing for a while
I wish the music would just stop for a while
I wish my mind would just stop running for a while
I wish I could just be in tune with silence for a while
I wish I could forget it all and just exist alone for a while
I wish
When you’re down and out. At your outmost low. When nothing else makes sense besides your sadness, all you need is Love.
Love heals all. Love is everything. Love is a beautifull thing.
I’m going to tell ya’ll about how I fell in love. I met love through the eyes of the most gorgeous girl you’ll ever meet in your life. She was pure, she was memorizing, she was anything and everything one would look for in a girl.
Apart from everything she knew; besides everything she had been taught; despite the fact that I was clearly not meant for her, she still found a way to captivate me and surprisingly enough, she still found a way to love me.
Apart from everything I was; besides everything I stood for; despite the fact that I was never right for her … I still found a way to love her.
That in its own is ...
[Backspace count : 2798.]
I've been trying to figure out how to use Snapchat for the past hour. I also want to be a part of the “Snap gang” or “Snap crew” or whatever it is you cool kids call yourselves. I want to be a part of that. I have so many cool ideas for my snaps too! I'm going to be a Snapchat whore for at least a month. Just as soon as I figure out how to use it.
I want to speak about consciousness.
I thought this was going to be easier but, I've hit the backspace button so many times in the last hour alone. Writer's block perhaps? Or, it could be the fact that I've been extremely distracted over the last I don't know, 23 years.
I want to speak about consciousness. [Backspace count : 3298.]
How do you speak of something you don't understand fully yourself? How do ...
In life you really never stop learning. Everyday different people go through different situations. I bet you someone out there is being slayed by the blades of life right at this instant. Some of us learn from it all the first time, for others it takes a few more kicks from life to get the picture. One thing for sure … aint nobody on this planet that has a degree in life. No one can tell you that they have mastered it! Sure maybe they’re living that good life … that luxurious life … that’s not what I’m talking about here though. I’m talking about the HEART! If anything the heart goes through the most pain in comparison to your body. The doctor can fix a broken leg, give you something for the pain, but he sure can’t fix a broken heart!
Now this is no sob story about me being broken hearted or my best friend getting dumped. This is more of inspiration. Now I want to challenge y’all! I want y’all to think of your situation right now. Are you happy? Sometimes we don’t trust our judgement, we don’t take our instincts seriously. We have that “this too shall pass mentality”. F*ck that! How are you going to just ...
Short glasses & a Cocktail Shaker
Whiskey & Red Wine
Lemon Juice & Simple Syrup
Garnish: None
Method: Combine bourbon whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup in a cocktail shaker. Stir to mix. Fill with ice and shake until outside of shaker is frosty. Strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice.
Gently pour red wine over the back of a spoon held just above the drink's surface so wine floats on top. Serve.
Health - It's about the most important thing we have. No one wants to die, we all want to live forever. It's just the way it is. Now since we know that health is of so much importance to our survival why don't we all just build a lifestyle centered around taking care of ourselves to the best of our ability.
I'm talking long walks, active runs, gym sessions, excessive cardio, anything and everything to get your heart rate up and those muscles working. The moment you start wokring out you instantly start to feel better about yourself and oddly enough, about the world around you. I won't lie to ya'll, i'm a total gym junkie. I feel as though something is missing when...
When you meet someone who comes from a broken family you probably won’t know it right away. They’ll do their best to blend in, to watch their words, to make sure they seem like everyone else. It’s a habit they’ve picked up over the years. How easy it is to look like all the rest. How easy it is to perform the same dance and routine.
Wear the right clothes. Say the right things. Don’t let your guard down. Never allude to the fact there’s something missing.
And what is missing? It’s the question that continues to haunt them. Was it losing their parent at a young age? Was it the divorce, the abuse, the memories that can’t seem to go away? Was it because they had to grow up faster than everyone else? Not every broken person shares the same story and their story lives inside of them triumphantly defiant, an anchor holding the weight of their heart down, but the hollowness feels eerily similar all the same. They don’t know how to quite pinpoint when ...
So what normally happens when I get home, after a long day on campus being an “efficient student”, is I put down my bag, unpack my laptop and books on my table and get down to making dinner. It’s just the way it is. It’s the way it’s always been. I like it that way. No time wasted; no room for procrastination, I just like to get stuff done and I like to get them done right. On this day though, I was feeling a little funny. Like the universe was begging for me to shift the way I do things.
No problem, I embrace change you see, it’s another thing I just do, that’s just how I’ve always been. So instead of the usual routine, I got to my pad and placed my bag on my bed. Got out of my day clothes and into some comfortable home attire (sports shorts, a vest, Bob Marley knee high socks and slops). I ran myself a hot bath and I followed through to soak myself in it enjoying the simplicity of lying in a foamy tub with nothing around me but my thoughts. The change was good.
Now my stomach had been rumbling; it could obviously sense that a certain ...
Perhaps the best stories are the ones told under the influence of something. Something a little more than alcohol and herb though. Like life.
The every day Dick and Jane's concern when they leave the house is the story they are going to tell people. The people around us. They worry about whether what they say will make them 'cool' enough to fit in or whether or not they're being 'weird'? They worry too much about what they're going to say but...what about us? Aren't we the everyday Dick and Jane of modern society?
What will they say about us?
Often, I step into this world with the demeanour of a bad bitch who just stepped out of an AMG in the hood. Absoluteley minus fucks given. I lace up my chucks, grab my longboard, make sure the beanie is at a 37° angle to my hair (and isn't falling off) and walk out into the world with a “fuck it, let's get it then” attitude meant only for winners, titans and the ...
Thick and rich
Different strokes for different folks.
To me the perfect gravy basically consists of curry powder, onions and the most crucial ingredient ... Da Da Da Dum
Lots and lots of tomatoes please.
I remember the very first thing I knew how to cook was gravy, it got to the point where ...
I'm up ... it's 11:05 am. I don't remember falling asleep though. I look beside me and there is my trusted buddy Robyn. She's also up but she's too cozy in the covers too get out. I get out and dash to the loo ... what a relief. I walk into the living room and all I see are bodies. Bodies on the couches, bodies on the carpet bodies on the tiles. Everyone is so cozy. I barely know these people and they serenade me with a warm and loving "hello Queen". Right at that moment I was touched.
You see my friend Bubbles invited me over for the weekend to her place. Her cousin’s boyfriend was having his sweet 16th party. At first I was a bit skeptical about the scenario. Firstly I was BLACK and her family was COLOURED. I was so afraid to feel left out ... to feel and look different amongst her people. Secondly a sweet 16th ??? I'm 19 and trust me I will stand out with a bunch of puberty infested kiddies no offence. And then I realised that that was supper offensive. So I thought this one out ... I am not prejudice so I won't have a problem being around her people ... I was going to look at it as a learning experience.
The minute we got to Bubbles home I was welcomed with ...
Alright gents. I’ve been meaning to share this piece with ya’ll for a while now. There are so many things I want to talk about, so many actions I want to question; so many ideals I would love to help ya’ll grasp. I really and truly want to know why you boys don’t act like grown men.
The day you first realised you were a boy probably had something to do with the opposite sex. I know for me it played out during a play date with the mates in the hood when we were no older than 5 years. This little girl that lived across from my home came over to play with us one day and within the fun filled activities we indulged in she sustained herself a small bruise on her knee from an accidentally fall. I call it small because to us, the usual delinquents, that was just an everyday thing - argh a bruise, wipe that thing off and carry on moving you know. But for her it must have been the most excruciating pain she had ever experienced. She cried so loud it shook me up. Her facial expression when she saw her own blood gush from her wounded knee was one I ...
0617hrs. It's not my alarm that's given me this awakening this time around, no. It's the semi-unfamiliar environment I've been plunged into by this cold that's been tormenting me the whole week.
This is not my room.
A friend of mine dislocated his knee recently. Rock climbing incident. He was trying to get a grip on the nearest rock face when his brace got snapped by a mountain lion. He'll be alright. Can't say the same about that mountain lion though. As he was falling he grabbed a hold of it's neck and used it to break his fall.
I know right?
The actual events that led to the dislocation of the knee aren't for public consumption. What has been described above is what I am sticking to. He's my friend. My job is to make you believe he's an adrenaline ...
This is a performance EP by Clockwork Indigo (Flatbush ZOMBIES & The Underachievers) in mid-2014. I’m calling it a performance EP for one reason and one reason only: It was literally made for the Clockwork Indigo European Tour which was earlier this year. A tour I would have loved to attend, but that’s beside the point. This five song project has this very unique sound, I mean I can’t really describe the sound. It’s literally that different, but the one thing I can say is that if you enjoy hearing a variety of sounds and instruments put together to fvck with your subconscious then I suggest you read on and also listen to the project.
1.) Benefit Concert
As soon as this song starts you literally feel like you’re at one of Clockwork Indigo’s performances because of how the instruments and the vibe of the song are very “jumpy” if I may say, I promise it’ll make you feel like jumping up and down. Yes, that’s how much energy you get from this song. Also the song is about having fun at a concert, fun to the point where people are seen taking a variety of drugs, women expressing their appreciation by exposing their ...
We've all experienced heartbreak in one form or the other, for some more brutal than others but we all have been down and out because of love. Weirdly enough, by some force of nature, when you're going through this event in your life, heartbreak songs always seem to appear from nowhere and you can either hate them or love them. I always take the time out to ...
1. Sam smith – Not in that way
2. Sia – Big girls cry
3. Lykke Li - Possibility
4. James Blake - Retrograde
5. The weeknd – In vein
6. Jhene Aiko – Comfort inn ending
7. Melanie Fiona – Wrong side of a love song
8. London grammar – Strong
9. Beyonce - Resentment
10. SZA - Sobriety ...
From the dawn of time, food has always been that one unnecessary necessity one has to live with. Not more than just live with but actually to cultivate, hunt for, prepare, ingest and hopefully enjoy.
You search back to the oldest people known to man whether that be Adam & Eve or the Cavemen, depending on your spiritual affiliation, you’ll find that food was always at the centre of their existence. They would either forage nature for fruits and vegetables or chase down creatures to their death for meat or both. I would like to think that in those days their food was simple. A plate of some fresh barbequed meat served with a delicate vegetable platter, water to help the process and a sweet endearing fruit for dessert and that they would call dinner. I mean when you live a life based on such simple principles as wake up, go find food, come back home to enjoy it with your family and put that song on repeat till the end of your life there’s not much room for complexity is there? Pretty simple life = pretty simple cuisine right?
Today, 2000 or so years later, the world has become a very complex place. The life people live today has taken its own type of turn and is nowhere close to ...
A Poco Grande glass
White Rum (whichever you love)
simple syrup
lime juice
Mint leaves
Lime wedge
Garnish: Mint leaves and 1 lemon wedge
Method: Combine all the ingredients in a blender, add 16. oz of Ice and blend on a medium speed
Pour into a Poco Grande glass. Garnish with mint leaves and the lemon wedge. Serve.
Password: Obey your thirst. Great I'm in. Sweet! I'm starving though. Ok that's a bit exaggerated but still, I could eat. I've got options for days so that's working in my favour. The first thing I see is what's going into “Mzwa's Kitchen,” which will be an actual thing as soon as I get money, but, I digress.
Right. At this moment I have all my ingredients on the counter. Except one, the chicken fish fillets. They're swimming in the sink right now, defrosting. I think I'll pull those out now. Sweet! My laptop keyboard is a little wet but it won't die. I need to chop the chicken up. I've sliced the baby marrow nicely, and chopped half the tomatoe I might use. Oh yes, and the garlic. Just a table spoon worth should be enough. Pick n Pay was nice enough to provide me the garlic chopped up and placed in a container. So I'm good.
I've brought out the team too. “Team Spice!” The name's a ...
So much has happened between you and I. I don't even know where to start. I want to start from the beginning but I don't remember that far back. I want to tell you everything but I want to protect you. It's silly I know. We've never kept things from each other. Ok, I have but I always assumed you knew either way. Where should I start though? From the early memories or from the most recent? I really don't know, but I cherish all of them.
People other than you are going to read this. I hope you get to it first though. Oh, and some girls are going to assume that this is about them. They're so lost, it's not. I remember you warned me about them. I should have listened. I hate to admit it but, you were right. I'm really trying though. We never explicitly spoke about this but I think maybe now you should know. With every girl I meet I look for a little you in her. I guess it's because I love and miss you so much.
Ooooh, maybe I should have started off like ...
Camel Black and a bottle of tap water. I don't need much. Just a little nicotine and some H20. That's how I find my balance. With all the sad things life throws our way I know I need my balance. I lost my Grand mother a few days ago and a day after I heard one of my friends passed too. Too soon. It's my birthday today by the way.
How much do we want the things we claim to want? I remember back in the day when I was in my first year of primary school I wanted to be a lion (thanks Mufasa). So dedicated to my attempts to becoming the king of beasts no one was safe. I'd roar in your face if I caught you napping. Don't nap. If I saw a bare ankle, LATE! You can't walk with a 5 year old hanging on to your ankle with his bare teeth now can you? Don't nap. I was going to be the best lion in the world. But when the mane refused to grow I let go of the dream. Thinking back to it though I should have held on to ...
Often times in life we stumble and we beat ourselves up when we slipup. Don’t worry … No matter how bad a situation looks YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE IT.
I know you’ve all heard it a thousand times before…HAVE FAITH… they say. And perhaps the reason you’ve heard this for the millionth time now is that it is the absolute TRUTH !!!
This does not imply one must go far and journey the ends of the world to find a new relief, it’s just as simple as believing in yourself. You are the driver of your own life. If you don’t believe in you… who will?
This does not imply one must go far and journey the ends of the world to find a new relief, it’s just as simple as believing in yourself. You are the driver of your own life. If you don’t believe in you… who will?
This pandemic of giving up just as soon as you fail… or not even trying in fear of failing will be the death of us. Surely we all have that fire that burns in us all, that desire to ...
We all have either mistakenly or intentionaly put our music playlists on shuffle. I happen to do this everytime i drive to reduce the attention on the phone and just let the beats knock from the diverse selection of music i posess. This past week my diverse selection kept landing on joints with FIRE BARS and thus i was inspired to make this week's playlist off those tracks ...
1. Ali Bomaye – The game ft. Rick Ross & 2 Chainz
2. 5 AM – Logic
3. King Push – Pusha T
4. Paradise Lost – Rick Ross
5. Hard time - King Los ft. Mark Battles & Shanica Knowles
6. All day remix – Kanye west ft. Kendrick Lamar
7. The get back (freestyle) – Meek Mill
8. Paradise (extended) – Big Sean
9. Mural – Lupe Fiasco
10. Gone for the winter – Fabolous ...
R62-00 on peak. That’s the amount I’ve paid to get aboard this Gautrain from Hatfield, Pretoria to Park Station, Johannesburg. What would be the equivalent? A 6-pack of Hunters-dry maybe? 10 laps around an 85 metre go-kart track at Menlyn Mall? Or a single ‘short time’ round at your local brothel? I mean all of these options I’ve mentioned above have a certain level of adventure within them. They ask nothing more of you but to explore, to be involved and to experience the effect caused by them. Whether it be the quest of finding wisdom at the bottom of a cider bottle, the adrenalin rush of being confined in a minute vehicle around insanely curvaceous turns at insane speeds for that commodity or just simply indulging in a lustful, not to mention sinful sexual endeavour. To be honest with you, I’d rather spend R62 on this train ride and so I did!!!
I find myself walking in to an empty cart and I help myself to a window seat, away from the setting sun of course. The setting is calm, very cool thanks to the AC and somewhat ...
onion 1, finely chopped
ground cinnamon 1 tsp
liver 250g
mixed veggie stir-fry & fresh lettuce
Koo baked beans a quarter tin
Scrambled egg 1 egg
Heat stove to medium high heat.
Crack open a tin of Koo baked beans, add the top-juice in the tin into the pan to fry the egg in as well as with the oil.
Scramble the egg till pan is dry
Add a pinch of salt to taste.
Fry the liver and onions in a veggie stir-fry till well done and serve on a bed of fresh lettuce. Top with some cinnamon.
Serve as seen on cover image with ice-cold peach juice.
Peace, Love & Good Food | KamzThxPxpe
I'm a big fan of immaturity. I love it actually. As long as it's directed in the right direction. It's the reason why we have so many vines flooding our web waves. Think about it. My favourite “vine moments” are the “fuckked your bitch!” exchanges.
“Hey, Rob can't even tie his shoelaces!”
Immaturity! Ha! I love it!!!
I heard a story from my friend Kelso that shifted my paradigms of belief a little bit. A little uncomfortably so too. I'll try and recreate it for you the way I remember.
His dad, his uncle and his uncle's friend were off to a party one evening. Driving ofcourse, when there on the side of the road they came across a hitchhiker, a lady about twenty something. Being the kind hearted people that ...
Many of us enjoy, or at least would love to enjoy the luxuries of life. That young candle light dinner with gourmet cuisine and a fine glass of red wine. Can we all afford it? Nope, but we can always improvise right. Just the other day my girlfriends and I wanted to go out for dinner but this thing of a student budget crippled our plans. No worries though because we all came up with a plan to host the dinner in the comfort of our own homes. We were going to go all out, wine and dine style. We all contributed ingredients we already had in our kitchens. We literally spent nothing for the night. With all our combined ingredients we managed to create the ultimate CHEESY PORK SURPRISE with a bowl of Queen’s sexy seasoned chips. In reality it was just lasagne with pork chops and chips on the side. I know it doesn’t sound as sexy but trust the presentation was so freaking amazing if I do say so myself.
Our main ingredients were basically lasagne sheets which were just lying in one of the girl’s cupboard, ground beef, pork chops and a bag of potatoes. The rest were just your regular everyday items such as ...
There is no denying the satisfaction inherent in popping the cap off a beer at the end of a long day and swigging it straight from the bottle. However, pouring a frosty beer into a pint glass has its own rewards.
Perhaps you’ve been turned off on this notion after hearing a beer geek friend expound one too many times on the subject, but give me a chance to persuade you. If you love craft beer, pour it in a glass. It’s simple really. The number one, no-joking-around reason to pour your beer in a glass is the aroma.
Aroma plays a huge role in how we perceive flavour. As most of us all know from the experience of eating while nursing a cold – the food tends to taste superbly bland right?! Drinking beer straight from a bottle or a can essentially ...
A tall glass
Tonic Water
Orange Honey
Garnish: 1 straw, 2 lemon disc slices cut to the middle then bent out in two halves
Method: Pour the syrup, lemon juice and Bombay Sapphire into the bottom of a tall glass.
Stir to mix. Fully fill the glass with cubed ice then top with the Tonic Water.
Stir for a final time. Garnish with a straw and the 2 lemon slices. Serve.
The first question to ask is obvious: What is “Nothing”? I had to go open my dictionary for this one because for a moment there I really thought I didn’t know the meaning of this word anymore. It simply states nothing as “not anything, naught, no part, share or trace”. Simple enough right?
Well not exactly. After listening to The Album About Nothing both my dictionary and I had severely been proven wrong about our understanding of the term. This album is a colossal mix-pot of emotions and a detailed manuscript about a single individual’s point of view around the fundamentals of his own life, heritage, culture and ever so conflicted environment.
The journey through The Album About Nothing is one that should not be taken by the faint-hearted. Wale manages to ...
4:20. This has become a global celebration. A self-announced holiday for any pot smoker all over the world. There is no way we were not going to give you something to bump to during your smoke sessions this April. It comes as a belated present as the actual date has passed but no worries, fortunately every single ...
Walking into a university food court can be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences any student can go through, just as nerve wrecking as a final exam believe it or not. For one if you haven’t made up your mind on what you’re going to have when you get there you almost feel as though you have walked into a gladiators ring armed with nothing but the cash in your pocket to protect you from the multitude of food stalls at your disposal, not to speak of the hovering crowds that tend to make you feel like a minute creature trying to maneuver its way through a colony. I mean choosing what to have for lunch can be a very difficult endeavor.
I always find it really daunting when I step into the food court at my school. The setup of the courtyard itself leaves a lot to be questioned. Whoever decided that all the tables should be cramped up that close anyways? Who is the ingrate that chose to have VH-1 play old 70s music off an old tube-derriere’d television set? And most importantly I don’t understand why ...
Environment : I'm sitting in the dark, lava lamp on, listening to FKA twigs, thinking about how I'm going to start “this” my first post, for the multitudes of people who may have been just curious enough to know what this “FML" thing is. Its a couple minutes past twelve, I'm tired, I mean, I really shouldn't be doing this now but I am. It could wait till the morning or the next day but right now, I have this burning urge to write. I just don't know what it is I want to write.
Vague, I know, but, in the sea of all this vagueness, my roommate walks into my room and disturbs all of what's perfectly balanced in my natural environment.
“Mzwa, how do you get laid here?”
Totally unexpected, I know, he got me too, but just so that we don't digress, I want you to ...
Just the other day I felt so tired with music. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. I know you probably think that I’m nuts … but trust me after the week I had you wouldn’t even have a speck of judgment towards me.
Turning up 24/7 all week with hip hop, rap, pop and trance music, to mention a few, blowing up in your ears can get to you trust me. The way music had began to irritate me was so frightening, I mean music is my life and if I don’t listen to it, its as equivalent to me as not living … in other words dying and no-one wants to die at all!
So I sat down with myself and thought (not THOT) and slowly began to analyze this problem I had and see what exactly annoyed me about the music i was listening to. This forced me to break down my music into sections and components. I gave myself homework can you imagine, i had to do my research properly. What’s in music I asked? Is it the ...
Am I the first born son of a man and a woman ?
Am I the pillar of strength that holds up walls that are still yet to stand erect ?
Am I the thought that knows not what the inside of the box looks like because I live outside it ?
Am I a journey leading up to an enlightened destination ?
Am I love itself ?
Am I the truth that can set you free ?
Am I unbound creativity ?
Am I a free spirit ? ...
I'm sitting on my bed trying to come up with the right words. I get up and switch off the music in the background, it's been clouding my thoughts. Okay now the silence is too loud so i crank up the volume a tad bit. I'm starting to think real hard about what defines me and then it hits me. It should be something as easy as reciting the alphabet. Although on some occasions i tend to forget the order and always pause after the letter L trying to figure out which comes first between N and M. That's just it though, it shouldn't be hard to express yourself ... it should just flow like the river Thames on a rainy day.
Here's the thing, it's not that i don't know myself coz literally ... I am Queen! Daughter of Sharon and George, born in 1996 on February the 14th, but i would lie if i could tell you what i am. I'm still on a journey to self discovery. Right at this moment I'm merely a brainstorm of the person i am yet to become. I know my strengths, my weaknesses, my fears ...
Mzwa is a 23 year old package of masculinity, sex appeal and an overly creative mind. Having been nominated for several Pulitzer awards for his book "Thx Contributor", he has taken his literary efforts and applied them into the creation of the Webitorial, FML.
Besides being generally awesome, Mzwa is also a Pro - skater and has qualified for next year's X-games. Besides the extreme sports not mentioned (sky diving etcetera), he has been actively involved in music under the stage name Saint Psychedelic as well as video production with Thx Pxpes.
Ok, so i'm not all that "buff" nor do i have a lot of sex appeal oozing from this skinny body of mine but i have my mind.
I havn't been nominated for any Pulitzer awards or any awards that had ...