You Are Going To Make It

Often times in life we stumble and we beat ourselves up when we slipup. Don’t worry … No matter how bad a situation looks YOUR GOING TO MAKE IT.
I know you’ve all heard it a thousand times before…HAVE FAITH… they say. And perhaps the reason you’ve heard this for the millionth time now is that it is the absolute TRUTH!!!
This does not imply one must go far and journey the ends of the world to find a new relief, it’s just as simple as believing in yourself. You are the driver of your own life. If you don’t believe in you… who will?
This pandemic of giving up just as soon as you fail… or not even trying in fear of failing will be the death of us. Surely we all have that fire that burns in us all, that desire to truly do what we love… our PASSION.
Yes to reach that point of true fulfillment is hard but, hey you… yes you… guess what?
“Easy is not an option”
If it was all easy where would the all joys and splendours of achieving something come from?
You see this all makes utter sense.
You see we are like oil lamps, our dreams are the flames… in order to ignite our flames we need faith. Our faith is the oil. Once we give up our fire burns out and now the lamp serves no purpose. You don’t want to be that purposeless soul do you? Spend the rest of your life wondering why you didn’t just go for it, I mean what the heck?
The number one survival rule in this gamble called life is patience and engaging in consistent action.
Patience is a virtue baby!
Don’t just squat when shit goes wrong… stand up man, you’ll crease your suit! Get the hell up and try again. I mean seriously no one ever died of trying (I think).
Get out of your comfort zone. Dare to fail because failure is not futile and success is not final.
No matter how hard it gets you are going to make it.