A Generation Of Spoilt Brats

So you're 23. You wait on an allowance from your guardians every month. 9 out of 10 times you're going to blow that allowance by the 15th day in the month and in the last 15days you drift by basically wasting oxygen because what do you have to call yours ? Nothing. You patiently anticipate your next allowance and put that song on repeat with the static hope that someday you'l be able to fend for yourself and not have to live through this gruesome tale that is your young adult hood.
Well let me tell you about the 23 year olds of the 20th century. At that age they had last lived in their mothers house 5 years ago. They had gone out into the world to find theirs. They knew that the world didn't owe them anything, they had to go out there and get what they wanted by any means possible. No allowance came in every month, they had to work to put food in their bellys and work harder and longer to put some clothes on their backs. These 23 year olds educated themselves and their siblings while sending money back home to their parents to show their gratitude for having been raised to be strong young adults.
I know the 20th and 21st century are worlds apart in terms of the landscape of opportunity.
It's probably 10 times harder today to make it the same way a 23 year old made it back then but shouldn't that mean today we have to work 10 times harder to achieve success.
That's not what i see outchea tho. I see 23 year olds that are very complacent. We wait and wait and wait in the static hope (yes, i've repeated this phrase, ponder on it) that something will happen so long as we stick to the plan we're taught. Go to school, get good grades, acquire a qualification, find a good job, work for most of your adult life and support your family, retire and live the rest of your years in security and luxury.
Hahahahahaha - THINK AGAIN !!! This world doesn't work like that nomore. Quite frankly, it's never worked like that.
The world we live in agrees with and rewards the people that follow these 3 simple fundamentals:
WORK !!!
Don't stop working child !!! You'll stop when you're dead. Get your ducks in line. Stop waiting for things to happen and start making them happen. Stop waiting on your education to pay you and start paying yourself. Emancipate yourself from this outdated ideal that evidently does not work. It's been proving itself in that respect for the last 20 years. Do your research if you feel i'm bullshiting you - how many people do you know personally that have taken the 'ordained' route of, ''Go to school, get good grades, acquire a qualification, find a good job, work for most of your adult life and support your family, retire and live the rest of your years in security and luxury'', & live the life they dreamed of when they were younger.
Just take a while to think about it.
Albert Einstein defines insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So if you find yourself as a 23 year old, doing the same thing over and over again for years while expecting a different result then you're better off heading to a loony bin and booking yourself in there a.s.a.p.
Listen ya'll, Get up, Stand up and Work !!! Chase your dreams with everything you got. Don't even slow down. When you feel like taking a nap - DON'T !!! When you feel like you can't do it anymore - YOU CAN !!! When you feel like the world is not allowing you to be great - remember THE DARKEST HOUR IS BEFORE DAWN.
Stay hungry, don't stop growing and you will forget that you were once a spoilt brat.
Peace, Love & Hard Work | KamzThxPxpe