I Can Explain

It's 9:45 ... I'm waiting for the elevator, time is ticking. I need to check into work by 9:50. (no worries, it only takes a minute to get upstairs) The elevator door opens, thank heavens. I walk in ... clearly someone marked the territory. It smells of fart. Should I wait for another one? I can't. I'll be late for work. Up I go to the 6th floor I'm praying no one is waiting up stairs. The elevator door opens. Damn. There right in front of me, is a group of people greeted by the stench. The faces turn sour, everyone's eyes are on me. I'm the only one in here so automatically I'm the one to blame.
I straighten up my jacket and walk past the crowd. I can feel their eyes on my back as I walk away ...
You see I just experienced a " wrong place at the wrong time vibe" I literally did not cause the stink bomb in the elevator but the people don't know. You see they assumed it was me and here I am feeling like explaining myself to these people.
First of all, I barely know them ... why should I explain myself?
We often feel the need to explain ourselves when it isn't necessary sometimes to the wrong people . Just do you. Don't feel the need to explain. It really isn't necessary. There are too many people in this world to please anyway. A crowd of faces you'll never see again should not matter.
So I continued walking ... and left the crowd Behind me with no explanation.
Unapologetically | Queenie