Who Am I ?

Am I the first born son of a man and a woman ?

Am I the pillar of strength that holds up walls that are still yet to stand erect ?

Am I the thought that knows not what the inside of the box looks like because I live outside it ?

Am I a journey leading up to an enlightened destination ?

Am I love itself ?

Am I the truth that can set you free ?

Am I unbound creativity ?

Am I a free spirit ?

Am I a junkie that gets high off life * & weed occasionally * ?

Am I ambition ?

Am I the man that makes Shelly so happy ?

Am I the man she loves so dearly ?

Am I sustenance ?

Am I growth ?

Am I a figment of my own imagination ?

Am I a co-founder of #FML ?

Am I me ?

Maybe I am … Stick around and you’ll soon get to know exactly who I am.


|||| BARS ||||

What are bars ? These are :


and passion are like melody and



. You can't have one without the other. I



the simplicity of it all - It's like there's a whole lot of



in everything we experience. We just have to open our eyes and enjoy it.

We are FML

Like us, Love us, Live life.