Thoughts In My Head

I wake up on a frosty Monday morning. This cold front is not being friendly. I have so much to do you know. I have to go empty my bladder, gotta buy groceries and make breakfast, loads of studying to be done, I have an intense gym session to get through and more studying after that, but it’s just sooooo cold and I’m in nothing but my boxers under this mountain of blankets I have on top of me. I dread jumping out of bed. It’s just not going to happen right now.
So what’s next to do ? Besides think of course. My mind begins to recalculate my schedule because we’re going to lose at least 2 hours in bed waiting for the world to warm up; so some reshuffling of events has to take place.
I start to think of FML though and how I’ve been getting articles out of me with some strain and difficulty off late, call it writers block if you would or I’m just not in that zone I need to be in you know. I instantly decide to push and push and push till something happens and my mind comes up with this crazy idea almost instantly.
I shall write a whole article; drafted, typed, edited and complete; everyday of this week.
That amounts to 7 articles from KamzThxPxpe for Edition 8 of this weekly Webitorial.
Hahaha – crazy right ?
Well it’s going to happen and from this I just want you to take 1 lesson; despite whatever situation you’re in or in front of whatever adversity you face, you have to continue moving and most importantly be a man / woman of your word.
Your thoughts are the recipes to your life. The moment you decide upon which recipe you’re making, find the ingredients and get down to cooking up a storm. You owe it to yourself to make a bomb meal and be satisfied by the joy it brings you once indulged.
I’ve lost 2 hours today from my normal routine but I’m not stressing – I needed the lag. Sometimes the brakes have to be applied in order for the acceleration to continue happening.