Family Is All We Got

The time is 23:53 and I have 7 minutes to write this article.
See I’ve made a promise to myself to write an article every single day of this week and I can’t carry this one into the next day. NO !!! I just can’t.
I want to talk to ya’ll about family and why it’s the only thing we really have in this world. Family is the root of our existence. These are the people that nurture us into this world. The faces we familiarize with so easily as we grow up and they over time become our everything. Without family there would be nothing to cherish. Absolutely nothing.
Okay, no lie, I’m slowly going nowhere with this article because that’s about all I can think about saying right now and it’s 23:56 so I’m definitely not going to wrap this up before the day ends.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute … or 4 … lol :)
Ask yourself this slowly.
What … is … Family … ?
Yes, Patience !!!
The ability to look out for and have each other’s back(s) for as long as you all shall live. The way in which you can absolutely hate each other at some points but love each other unbearably at the same time.
All the moments and memories you share with one another, whether they are good or bad. To just know that there are people out there that have the same blood flowing through them as yours & you have absolutely no other choice but to love them because they are YOURS.
Family – the only people that will always be patient with you no matter what happens in your life.
00:00. Okay, this article is about to drag into the 5th day. Not good. I should be beating myself down and just not being cool about this but NO !!!
What would I do if a family member of mine had just disappointed themselves and not lived up to their word. Hmmmmmmmmmmm – easy !!! I’d understand and be patient with them. Support them even.
That’s what family does. They are the roots that keep a tree of many generations steady and well nourished. Family is the foundation to every life and its simplicity amazes me.
During life our family shall grow. We shall rejoice as more members trickle in and we shall be filled with despair as old ones pass from this life into the next. That’s the simplicity of family. To realize that it is a system within which there is abundant life and inevitable death. But most importantly, to appreciate the core value of that system and live lovingly through each other because you are all you will ever have.
Remember to always be patient with one another: nobody is perfect. We don’t always get it right. So keep supporting each other and never forget to tell and better yet, show each other how much you really love being a part of your family.
00:14. I’m bout to put this article to rest but 1st I’m going to slip into my Whatsapp family group and just tell everyone in it how much I love and appreciate them because they are all I have in this world. I am what I am because of them and I know they’ll be okay with the fact that I got my 4th article for this week done on the 5th day. They’ll have to be patient with me.
They are my family after all.
Peace, Love & Happiness | KamzThxPxpe