I Dare You Boys To Be Men

Alright gents. I’ve been meaning to share this piece with ya’ll for a while now. There are so many things I want to talk about, so many actions I want to question; so many ideals I would love to help ya’ll grasp. I really and truly want to know why you boys don’t act like grown men.
The day you first realised you were a boy probably had something to do with the opposite sex. I know for me it played out during a play date with the mates in the hood when we were no older than 5 years. This little girl that lived across from my home came over to play with us one day and within the fun filled activities we indulged in she sustained herself a small bruise on her knee from an accidentally fall. I call it small because to us, the usual delinquents, that was just an everyday thing - argh a bruise, wipe that thing off and carry on moving you know. But for her it must have been the most excruciating pain she had ever experienced. She cried so loud it shook me up. Her facial expression when she saw her own blood gush from her wounded knee was one I will never forget. Ever !!!
That day changed my life. In that single moment I began to understand the difference between our sexes. A difference so simple and pure. For the one your natural inclination is to be proud and strong; for the other honest emotion and compassion flows more naturally. A balance in creation that is so evident, only if you open your eyes and allow yourself to see it.
At that age you don’t automatically realise what sort of role you need to play in this world to maintain this balance but the trigger was set and it would manifest its force over the next 15 years, moulding an upright man who understands what it really takes for one to be identified as a man.
Over that decade and a half I noticed a lot of characteristics, specifically those of the men around me. I had to gauge myself you see, do my research and construct a clear path upon the patterns I’d picked up, both good and bad. Even though I grew up in a home with more women than men, I had to find a view within that niche and grow into the best man I could be. I’ve come to realise that growing up around women was such a blessing actually. It got me to understand the most important fundamental of being a man:
This is rule #1.
To learn to love, appreciate and come rain, come thunder, to protect the women around you.
If you don’t get this right you have no right to call yourself a man at all. If you’re somewhere out there thinking you’re a badass because you exert forceful respect upon women, walking over their cognitive state(s) and emotions with the reasoning that “That’s what a man should do to get his way and earn his respect”, then you should take several seats in a naughty corner somewhere because you are still a boy.
The role of a man in this respect is very simple. God has bestowed upon you the powers to watch over everything upon the face of the earth. To wilfully put into the earth what has to and in return take from it what should. In this same light, as a man you have the task of treating your women with outmost respect. To treat them as equals in every meaning of the word. To provide support were it is needed, to nurture and to love them unconditionally and above all to protect the women in your life with your own life if the need be. So check yourself for a bit, are you treating the women in your life the way you should be man? Pun-ever-so-intended.
“I just think a hustler’s ambition is to never stop. I started off hustling and said I’ll never stop hustling. An ambitious hustler is the one to hustle the hustlers. When I grew up, my heroes were hustlers. Now I’m their hero” – Young Jeezy
This is rule #2
The hustler’s ambition is what holds a man’s DNA structure together.
I’m not going to beat about the bush and get into the depths of what having your hustle on point is; ya’ll all know this. Get up off your broke ass and make those Mandela’s fam.
That stuff you boys still do – that let’s put money together, get a bottle or two, call some thots over and see what we can do life ya’ll enjoy so much; that life is not the life a man lives.
A man provides for his own and for those around him so next time you want to turn up with your people - buy them a bottle or two solid, don’t be outchea scrapping for grocery money to entertain people that don’t add value to your life anyway. Ever see a child walking into a Ferrari dealership to order a 458? NO, it doesn’t happen, because we all have to stick to our lanes as men. Both young and old. It’s the only way to make our society work. Respect that ideology, get your work rate up, grow and build your empire brick by brick. Live to tell your story to inspire the next generation.
“Learn, relearn, unlearn, grow” – Thx Contributor | Decode that.
Having established the importance and value of rule #1 & 2, you’re now well on your way to becoming a super saiyan man. The type of man that can walk into a room full of people and subtly intimidate every other man in the room. I call this guy the “boss - man”. He plays his role to immaculate perfection with the ease of an eagle gliding through the sky and he knows no one can deter him from his current demeanour.
There’s one last rule though, I’ve saved this one for the end because it’s not something that can be theoretically defined. It’s not a simple concept to understand neither is it an entity that can be taught. The ability to understand your own intuition as a man & play off that to your advantage, to be able to think for yourself, to be able to push the boundaries of your own limits within your own limits.
This is rule #3.
Be your own man.
I could honestly write a book about the role a man needs to play in this world we live in and how he has to handle himself and those around him to do this effectively but I really don’t need to do that because the only way a boy can become a man is when he begins to understand the voice in his own head. When you can have a full conversation with the voice in your head and the resultant actions you perform thereafter are ones that can be looked up to, ones that can inspire and ones that infect unbound growth into your life then you have every right to call yourself a man.
So I dare you boys to be aware of these 3 rules. Implement them in your life and watch the avenues that open themselves up to you. Read this article over and over if you have to. Get this knowledge and wisdom into your head and make sure it stays there. It’s for free – appreciate it.
Simply put, stop these games, get your sh*t in line cuz and become the man you were born to be.
Peace, Love & Good Food
Shout out to my nigga Mulla – even though you begged me to do this :) | KamzThxPxpe