Sunday Music

There’s this strange but divine connection between well composed music and that warm fuzzy feeling you get on the inside. Like God himself was on the mic & keys creating each timeless melody for you to enjoy.
I absolutely love soothing music. It always finds a way to lift my spirits. I find my hearts tempo reducing when I indulge in it and I can almost hear myself live. When I listen to soft music during a walk, it’s like I’m walking on air, with nothing but the rhythmic vibrations massaging my senses and the world presenting itself to me just the way it is – my oyster.
Quite inspirational !!!
Sunday music, as I like to call it, is the testament of sound. It forces you to accept it. The lyric content is much easier to grasp than the usual clatter and noise you hear every other day and you can’t help but empathise with the emotions the sound brings across. Sometimes I don’t even have to empathise because the message in the song is my current reality.
So I allow the music to drive me to wherever I need to go and throughout that journey I feel what I have to feel !!! FEELING IS LIFE.
Don’t you ever run away from that.
In life and in everything else, the one thing you always have are your feelings. To succeed in life might as well mean to control your feelings. Not in a Mugabe controls Zimbabwe way but in a manner that you can experience every type of feeling consciously and be alright with that.
Next time you decide to play some music, do the both of us a favour and add some soothing Sunday music to your playlist. I cannot promise that you’ll be a better person after you listen to it but I can tell you this for sure, you will come out of it having felt everything you need to feel.
Peace, Love & Good Music | KamzThxPxpe