Webisode 2: The Heart

In other Mzwa related news, I finally figured out how to use Snapchat! I could not have done this without the aid of my good friend, the Indian James Bond. I can't share his name because of spy protocol. I'm sure you understand...
Thanks Desan. :)
If you are reading this and haven't read the previous article I wrote, you'll be doing yourself a disservice. This is like a series. The Game Of Thrones of blogs in a way. And you my friend are about to watch episode two. There will be no “previously on the Webisode Of Consciousness.” I'm not saying stop reading, I'm just saying go read that other thing first so this makes a little more sense to you.
Webisode 1: Consciousness
Today was meant to be your orientaion on The Seven Chakras. Admittedly, I don't have extensive knowledge on them. I have a basic understanding of the seven and perhaps I have no right to be standing on moral high ground, choosing what you should and shouldn't know but I do have the right to choose what it is I share with you.
What I share will be my undesrtanding and how I'm learning to understand the concepts and teachings yet to be discussed here.
If you know more than this article will highlight then this cannot and will not hurt you. If you have no prior knowledge of the concept of “chakras” and energy - “chi,” have no fear. I will go at this at a pace your youngest sibling can keep up with.
What I want you to understand first is that there are seven main chakras that exist in your body. Aligned from your spine to right above your head. These chakras act as gates for the energy that flows through your body in this world and in the world that you have no access to just yet. What these gates do specifically is not for you to understand at this point for the purpose of the journey that you and I will undertake over the next couple of weeks.
Read the last paragraph you just read again if you have to. Take your time. The following text won't disappear.
Life begins and ends with the heart. When a woman is pregnant, the first sign of life, is the pulse that the life growing within her gives. The pulse. The heart. This is where life starts, this is where life ends. Even now, it's the pulse present in your chest cavity that governs the way your eyes are following the words on your screen. A similar pulse played a big part in the creation of the words you read now. My pulse. The heart.
The heart. Of all the connotations of love, none is greater than that of the heart. UNIVERSALLY. “Love with all your heart,” “I love you with all my heart!” “There's a special place in my heart for you.” Even the translations maintain the same connotations. (Hey! That rhymed!) “Ngikuthanda ngenhliziyo yami yonke.” Inhliziyo. The heart.
The heart. This is where love resides. The heart. This is where loves resides. The heart. This is where love resides. The heart. This is where love resides. The heart. This is where love resides. The heart.
LOVE YOURSELF. Hearing this will never get too old. Let it be an imprint on your mind, on your soul, in your heart. This is where love resides.
I can already hear the multitudes of whining voices. 'How Mzwa? How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to love myself? How? My heart feels so heavy...'
They say a heavy heart is one that carries resentment and anger from denied feelings and emotions, as well as guilt. You have a choice here. It's either you allow these suppressed emotions to surface, heal and then, fall in love with yourself or, suffer from bitterness and lack of forgiveness.
Forgive yourself. Love yourself.
Let it be an imprint on your mind, on your soul, in your heart. This is where love resides.
The heart. This is where love resides. The heart. This is where loves resides. The heart. This is where love resides. The heart. This is where love resides. The heart. This is where love resides. The heart.
Let it be an imprint on your mind, on your soul, in your heart. This is where love resides.
The 2nd Ray of “Love-Wisdom” rules this chakra symbol. It's at this chakra that we start to see the possibilities of the internal and external world...the world of spirit and of form. The heart chakra is the integration point for the seven chakras of the body, because it holds the sacred spark of the divine and the intuition of the mother.
The heart. This is where love resides. Let it be an imprint on your mind, on your soul, in your heart.
Life. This is where love resides.
Mzwa Thx Contributor :)