Sitting On a Train - Thinking About Life

R62-00 on peak. That’s the amount I’ve paid to get aboard this Gautrain from Hatfield, Pretoria to Park Station, Johannesburg. What would be the equivalent? A 6-pack of Hunters-dry maybe? 10 laps around an 85 metre go-kart track at Menlyn Mall? Or a single ‘short time’ round at your local brothel? I mean all of these options I’ve mentioned above have a certain level of adventure within them. They ask nothing more of you but to explore, to be involved and to experience the effect caused by them. Whether it be the quest of finding wisdom at the bottom of a cider bottle, the adrenalin rush of being confined in a minute vehicle around insanely curvaceous turns at insane speeds for that commodity or just simply indulging in a lustful, not to mention sinful sexual endeavour. To be honest with you, I’d rather spend R62 on this train ride and so I did!!!
I find myself walking in to an empty cart and I help myself to a window seat, away from the setting sun of course. The setting is calm, very cool thanks to the AC and somewhat captivating. The train itself is built to perfection. It’s extremely cosy and the friendly man in the speakers above head makes one feel at home, though I’d love if they would change characters from time to time. That would be a trip within its own. The time on the departure board tracks down to 0min and the train begins to roll off the tracks. A very smooth ride this is. I feel safe and have an ok allowance to actually enjoy this (fingers crossed my motion sickness doesn’t get the better of me).
The most noticeable feature about the train ride so far is how well it snakes through the neighbourhoods, providing a picturesque background to comfortably digest. Everything on the outside looks so particular. As though everything is where it is because that’s how it’s supposed to be and I cannot fathom it any other way.
As we reach the next station and the next, more people embark aboard the train. Some tall, some short. Some light, some dark. Some confident, some particularly shy. One thing they all share in common is that they keep to themselves. We all keep to ourselves. I look around and see that everyone is on their phones, either texting or changing that one boring song on their shuffled playlists. It makes me think of how the outside is nothing like the inside. On the outside the elements interact in full swing. The beaming sunlight at the end of a slow African day shines upon everything in its site. The lush vegetation sits still and cushions everything around it. The traffic on the freeway seamlessly glides through the tarmac. I can see birds in their flocks drifting through the clear sky and all looks well. All is beautiful. On the inside though, things seem tense. The elements within the train are absolutely on their own wave-lengths. I’m to blame for this realisation too but how would I bring this read to you if I wasn’t on my own wave. For everyone else it seems as though life has them by the balls. The lady across from me hasn’t blinked once in the last minute or so, she just has her glaze clearly focused on something in the distance, lord knows what she’s thinking about. The gentleman behind me has himself trapped in what sounds to me like a hip-hop club session at 1am, all in his headphones. He could really turn down his volume and save himself an appointment with an ear-doctor decades from now. The rest of the people on this cart in particular seem drained, exhausted and tired with life. Like they have had it and don’t want any more of what it has to offer. I can almost hear their thoughts and I don’t like what I’m hearing.
Sitting on this train, writing this article, I’ve managed to identify a clear juxtaposition of energy. On the outside is a vibrant mix of nature and humanity. A force that drives itself almost and is abound with potential. On the inside I see a stagnant, passive and not particularly inspiring mood. I begin to ask myself why everything is so. Then instantly my reality distortion field kicks in and I realise that I’m not one to question the existence of man around the world his built for himself. I’m just one to live in it and as well to make it a better place for myself and for those that shall come after me to live in. In no time I stop feeling sorry for the people who look and feel drained around me, their energy could be contagious and I’m not looking for that at all. All I know is just like the way this illusive element called the Sun rose today to give light to the world; it is my duty to me and to the world to give good energy to the world. You will not find me sitting on a train, thinking about life and looking like I’d rather be dead. No!!! You’ll find me sitting on a train thinking of how much I’m about to enjoy the tunnel part of this ride as we approach it. After all, life is about moments isn’t it? To enjoy every single moment whether it is filled with lightness or darkness is about the best decision one can make for themselves.
This train is about to pick up speed at an exhilarating pace and I’m going to enjoy the rush that comes with that. Yea, sure, the scenery won’t be as good – actually far from it. But I will enjoy it nonetheless. I will smile and I will stare into the darkness outside the train realising that at this moment I’m living on the edge, indulging in a massive risk as anything could go wrong and end my existence. Also relishing the fact that when I make it to my destination, I will once again feel the sunlight on my skin and proceed to be happier.
My thoughts on this train have taken me to a beautiful place. A place where I’ve come to realise that life should never have the better of me no matter what. Whether I’m in the light or in the dark, I should take it upon myself to always shine and give off the same amount of energy as this train is shooting by underground. If not MORE. When I greet someone, they should light up. They must feel this explosion tha is Kamz and they must love it. This is the only way I can play my part in the world, the only way I can maintain balance amongst the elements, the only way I can truly sit on a train and live life.
Peace, Love & Good Vibes | KamzThxPxpe