Just B Happy

The world knows nothing but to judge.
They see you and define you as what they perceive.
No one knows your story.
They know not the paths you’ve walked.
They’re eyes don’t see past the surface.
Just one glimpse and you’ve been tainted a colour.
It may not even be close to your true colour… perhaps even further than yours.
Don’t let it get to you, they don’t know any better.
You walk and carry yourself in a certain manner.
You put out a façade, trying to hide your visage.
To them you are just a passing face.
Don’t let them get to you.
You walk past the faces, they may frown upon you.
The truth is they’ll never truly understand you or see through your eyes.
Don’t let them get to you.
Be that beautiful soul.
Be yourself.
You’ll never be enough and that’s alright.
They don’t matter, after all is said and done you’ve got yourself to live with.
Smile when they judge, smile when they don’t approve.
They’ll call you names
It aint no THANG, those are just words…
Know yourself, love yourself.
Don’t change for the world.
Yours Truly | Queenie