Training Wheels

It’s hard for me to write again. I feel like my thoughts are like comets dividing the space of my consciousness opening up new opportunities as they go. If I could just catch one, yes if I could latch onto one of the beacons of promise maybe I could dwell in a place of security once again. But something hinders me, like an invisible barrier... ”one step forward and two steps back, nobody gets too far like that”. I used to love that song but lately that’s how ive been feeling. Suddenly the song isn’t so appealing
See until recently the term homeostasis was an obscure scientific concept which I had learnt over and over again at each new level of education. Inertia, they call it, the unwillingness of most life forms to move or change beyond a very narrow range which promotes balance. What they don’t tell you though is that the tendency to be homeostatic doesn’t serve progression very well, in fact quite the opposite, life generally resists the pull to improve unless it’s left with absolutely no choice. Further more life beyond a primary level of development will become static, comfortable, or at least comfortable enough not to want to do any better. That dearly beloved is my greatest fear. Settling.
I’ve been fortunate to be exposed to the right influences at just the right times in my journey to enlightenment and as a result I’ve made measureable progress in a lot of avenues in my life which is particularly hard to ignore because everything and everyone around me currently is a reminder of just how far I’ve come.
In my opinion, my biggest motivation has been progress. The same way the power of a sports car can only be enjoyed when its accelerating is the same way in my opinion(yes I’m saying it again lol) that life can only be in a constant stable sense of motivation when it is progressively improving. Truly, you can only be driven to repeat an action when you can see the evidence of your effort manifesting in what we like to refer to as the fruit of your labour. But with progress comes a danger, the danger of complacency which driven by this maniacal sociopath called homeostasis. See the better you get at doing something the less energy you typically need o invest in it. That’s the riddle of mastering any skill. Before you know it you’re good at whatever you’ve been trying to get better at, usually you’re better than your peers because you’re convinced that they spend their day farting up lethargy (usually they’re just doing what’s important to them, even if it’s not really clear what that is) but what’s more, in your race to “success” you have attained a new title – an expert in mediocrity. Here’s how.
You’ve applied certain principles over and over again and by this repetitive action you’ve hypnotized life into affording you a certain level of success. However, at some point life snaps out of its slumber and refuses to allow you to go any further using the same formula, its time to switch it up. Bodybuilders will call it a plateau while writers refer to it as writers block only they consider it a periodic condition as opposed to the consequence of consistent identical action. Because I’ve been humbled before both disciplines I’m, starting to understand the concept quite clearly; In order to explain it though we need to take a step back. Hopefully we will get further than the dude in my favorite song... “One step forward and two steps back...” #singing
See, I believe that the reason we tend to need less energy the more we do something is because as a reward to diligently becoming proficient at a task, life affords us the opportunity to do more. The energy that is freed up in time is what id like to call a down payment of creative energy which is required to move out of the newly established comfort zone into something else. Something better. The energy required to make the shift from being the best to being the first, from being an authority to being an innovator.
Once you begin to harness this extra creative energy your life begins to take a different shape, a form that follows the creative pace making of the Author. You start to develop the tool of introspection which allows you to consistently (although somewhat sporadically) recreate things in your life which are not representative of your creative interests. You no longer do things because “that’s how we’ve always done it” because that’s how you want to do it in this season. Are you still doing the same workout you were doing last year? It worked then but is it still working now? Is your current girlfriend a reincarnation of one of your exs? Does every action you performed this morning resemble brushing your teeth? Automatic and necessary to maintain a state of “well being”? Yeah the training wheels are off but they might as well be back n if you’re going to cycle o the same beaten road over and over again.
I dare you (as I dared myself just a moment ago) to be able to honestly sing along to Drakes “understand that I’m not doing it the same but that I’m doing it better”. It may take a while to realize what needs to be improved in your life, but once you find it change it. And when you’re on the dirt road that would have destroyed your training wheels gets moving. Find new ways of doing what you are able to do well, better. It will be hard but limitation always yields to decision, and decision if a function of the will. Your will is prompted by desire which in some respects is quenched by your inertia. Fortunately we have a handy debt collector called frustration who will chase you down to your grave if you ignore him. The function therefore of frustration is to signal a blockage of your will, a denial of your creative ability, a limitation, a call to homeostasis.
Run then my little rebel and become all that you were made to be, learn the game and then change it; refresh the world with your perspective. Add your color to the rainbow of experience and refuse to become another mantle, a symbol of the brand “good enough”. Romans 12 vs 2 says “Don’t copy the bahvior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know Gods will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”NLT... by beholding the Author of your life you’re constantly refreshed, you will not be caught in the rut of doing things the same way over and over again. You will not ascend the ranks only to mimic those before you. No. you’ll desire something more. Something better. Something YOU… its hard for me to write again.. The training wheels are off lets see where this dirt road leads.