Pack Up

In life you really never stop learning. Everyday different people go through different situations. I bet you someone out there is being slayed by the blades of life right at this instant. Some of us learn from it all the first time, for others it takes a few more kicks from life to get the picture. One thing for sure … aint nobody on this planet that has a degree in life. No one can tell you that they have mastered it! Sure maybe they’re living that good life … that luxurious life … that’s not what I’m talking about here though. I’m talking about the HEART! If anything the heart goes through the most pain in comparison to your body. The doctor can fix a broken leg, give you something for the pain, but he sure can’t fix a broken heart!
Now this is no sob story about me being broken hearted or my best friend getting dumped. This is more of inspiration. Now I want to challenge y’all! I want y’all to think of your situation right now. Are you happy? Sometimes we don’t trust our judgement, we don’t take our instincts seriously. We have that “this too shall pass mentality”. F*ck that! How are you going to just sit there and be miserable thinking it will all work out eventually?
We like clinging on to things that make us so comfortable for just a second and totally sick for the majority of the time because of our fears. Now talking about the fear of being alone.
No one ever died of being alone and trust me you won’t be the first to sweetie.
You know that you’ve cried a thousand tears for someone, you can feel the passion is dead, this thing you once shared is hanging on a thread. Aren’t you tired of not being happy? Aren’t you tired of not being in the environment you want and deserve? Instead you want to save something you know deep in your heart is dead. Cut that string loose … let it go!
Sometimes you’re not giving up … it’s just you realizing that you’ve had enough. A heart is not a brain … the brain is far more complex … the heart never lies.
Now I’m not saying dump your boyfriend when he doesn’t morning text you anymore. I’m talking about situations where the love is gone. You will know when it is, it’s not hard to miss. It’s like a worn out towel it doesn’t dry the body effectively. I’m talking to people who have been hanging on that one thread …
It not easy leaving … especially if you were once so happy, but you need to realize that you matter. How you feel now is important. He might have been the sweetest guy in the beginning and turned into someone completely different … life does that … people change for good and for worse.
If ever you feel in your heart that you can’t stay in a place any longer. Just listen to your heart and leave. You don’t have to leave dramatically and cause a scene. Do it in a proper manner … I’m sorry if I sound a bit daft but it’s the truth and I most certainly don’t want to give off the wrong impression. You can’t stay in a place if you’re not growing somehow … progress is key! And remember your happiness counts too!
Love yourself like nobody will | Queenie