KungFu Experience

So what normally happens when I get home, after a long day on campus being an “efficient student”, is I put down my bag, unpack my laptop and books on my table and get down to making dinner. It’s just the way it is. It’s the way it’s always been. I like it that way. No time wasted; no room for procrastination, I just like to get stuff done and I like to get them done right. On this day though, I was feeling a little funny. Like the universe was begging for me to shift the way I do things.
No problem, I embrace change you see, it’s another thing I just do, that’s just how I’ve always been. So instead of the usual routine, I got to my pad and placed my bag on my bed. Got out of my day clothes and into some comfortable home attire (sports shorts, a vest, Bob Marley knee high socks and slops). I ran myself a hot bath and I followed through to soak myself in it enjoying the simplicity of lying in a foamy tub with nothing around me but my thoughts. The change was good.
Now my stomach had been rumbling; it could obviously sense that a certain pattern in the way things are normally done had changed as there was no activity in the kitchen. My belly beckoned to be filled; there was no way around that.
So I decided to sate my hunger by taking a nice evening stroll to my local Chinese restaurant & take-away joint – Kung Fu Kitchen. Change is good right ? Well I’d find out soon enough.
I enjoy Chinese food. It’s rich in flavour and just has its own unique character + they serve the best portions. Hands down !!! I wanted to experience something different this time though, it’s just how I was feeling on this day. I decided to sit down and have my dinner in the restaurant properly instead of takeaways. The waitress was really pleasant, she escorted me to a table for 1 … sad I know :( , and took my order for a Vegetarian Chow Mein and a glass of water, all with a smile on her face.
The wait was non-existent, I had a steaming plate in front of me in no time and it was game on !!! My whole system reacted to the aromas I received from the food and I just had to dig in. The complimentary Soya sauce served with the meal enhanced the veggies that had been fried to perfection and the fried noodles just made it all easier to take down.
A few minutes in and I just couldn’t help but thank the universe for side-tracking my usual routine. I was having a blast, the energy in the room was calm, just what I needed after a long day; the faces were friendly and most importantly the food was great. I was feeling real good and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
[Meal done] …
Yes, I’m satisfied and absolutely grateful. The waitress brought through the bill; I gave her a healthy tip and walked out the restaurant with a sense of happiness. All this had taken just over an hour and a half, from the moment I walked into my apartment to when I walked out of the restaurant. My usual routine would have taken about the same time but I doubt I would have felt as good about myself and the world around me had i taken it that day.
Sometimes all we need after a long day is to quickly restrategise. To look around us for a different experience and follow through to enjoy that experience wholly. Change is about the only constant we have in life. Embrace and live through it. You won’t regret it.
Peace, Love & Good Food | KamzThxPxpe